Odyssey (FYOS 1101)/Gateway (HONS 3070H) into the Natural Sciences

Additional Courses
Course Objective
This course guides students through individual exploration of the natural sciences at UGA and its relevance to their daily lives and public welfare. The objectives of this course are to widen the perspective of students interested in the sciences, to stimulate student appreciation for the importance of natural sciences research, and to use public communication to develop a better perspective of science as a process and human endeavor that informs our personal decisions and broader social actions. By the end of this course, students will…
be more familiar with Land Grant mission and scope of research in the natural sciences at the University of Georgia;
be able to identify important, contemporary research topics and questions in the natural sciences;
understand the science as an incremental process that builds upon past research and informs future research through dialogue (presentations, publications, and peer-review)
better understand how identify a research mentor and to initiate an independent-research project.
Ultimately, the students determine the content and quality of this course through their interests and efforts. We will explore a range of topics and noted faculty from the UGA community, and students will conduct a series of interviews with that faculty member about their research and write a popular science article about a research project. We will also visit the labs of various researchers to discuss their research and get a more intimate look at the inner workings of research facilities on and off campus.