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Improving public literacy is a vital part of conservation, particularly for misunderstood or “hidden” biodiversity such as reptiles and amphibians.  Myths and even disdain are at the root of most perceptions about many organisms, which contributes to conservation problems through indifference or persecution.  It is our philosophy to share what we learn through community outreach.  Many of our students find this a highly enriching experience.  To facilitate outreach, I serve as the faculty advisor to the Herpetological Society at the University of Georgia (UGHS).  UGHS organizes outreach events around Georgia, and participates in an annual Bioblitz with our colleagues at Auburn University and ABAC.  The Bioblitz involves teams of students from each university racing to find the most records of species in areas of Georgia and Alabama where state records are incomplete.  The event promotes camaraderie and provides a valuable service to the States.  For more information on our outreach program or to inquire about an outreach event, please contact us here.

© 2019 by John Maerz.

Note: This is a personal website and is not affiliated with or hosted by the University of Georgia.  The content on this site represents the personal perspective of the owner, and does not reflect the views of the University of Georgia.  The University of Georgia does not endorse the website nor is it responsbile for any content on this website.

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