Maerz Lab welcomes its newest member, Erin Cork
The Maerz Lab welcomes Erin Cork as its newest member. Erin is an MNR student in Fisheries & Wildlife. Erin graduated from UGA...a...

Indigo Magazine features emerging partnership with UGA
The Fall 2014 issue of Indigo Magazine features several articles discussing the Orianne Society's growing partnership with UGA and the...

BBC Earth profiles Urspelerpes discovery as one of "Five new species found hiding right under our no
Nik Fleming of BBC Earth has profiled the discovery of Urspelerpes brucei in his piece on five species discoveries found "right under our...

More wolf spiders feasting on American toads due to invasive grass, UGA study shows
Writer: Sandi Martin Contact: John Maerz Athens, Ga. - An invasive grass species frequently found in forests has created a thriving...

revoir et bon chance
It is with a bit of sadness and a lot of gratitude that we say goodbye to four lab members as they move on to new and better endeavors....

We made a frog population!
We recently delivered another 1000 juvenile gopher frogs to the introduciton site in Early County, GA. Earlier in the year, our colleague...

Maerz Labber and UGA Honors student Theresa Stratmann to present her bog turtle research findings on
Writer: Sam Fahmy Contact: David S. Williams Athens, Ga. - University of Georgia Honors student Theresa Stratmann will discuss her...

Georgia Outdoors documentary profiles our collaborative effort to save the endangered frogs
Georgia Outdoors has released "A Fight for Frogs", which discusses the global decline of amphibians and profiles our collaborative work...

Odum digs deep for Carter
Congratulations to Cyndi Carter on receiving a grant from the Odum School in support of her summer research on Gila monsters and to...

Theresa Stratmann recognized for outstanding accomplishments
Today we learned that Theresa Stratmann will receive both the 2012 Udall and Goldwater Scholarships. These are two very prestigious...